Mimosas and Muffins
Such a wonderful start to our new year! Mimosas and Muffins was a wonderful time for the ladies of the church to get together and enjoy fellowship and find out about our favorite things.
Champagne Brunch and Remembrance Mass 2024
Spring Fellowship 2024
The ladies of St. Francis came together for the Spring Fellowship on April 9. We had a lovely evening of fellowship and a presentation given by Catholic Charities Women’s Sanctuary and by their Volunteer Coordinator informing us of all the ways that we can volunteer or donate.
18th Street Bake Shoppe 2023
This year’s bake sale was another wonderful event for all that attended. The Altar Society had over 50 bakers that brought in so many delicious pies, cakes, cookies and breads for the sale and the customers enjoyed picking all their yummy treats. We made $2150 this year for altar linens.
Ladies of St. Francis Fall Fellowship 2023
Our fall fellowship was an event for all ladies of the parish. The evening was hosted by the St. Joseph and St. Therese of Lisieux Guilds. The evening was filled with food, a presentation by Amanda Hoffman about the St. Vincent de Paul, and trivia with lots of prizes. It was a wonderful evening for all ages from St. Francis.
2023 Oktoberfest Bake Sale
The Oktoberfest Bake Sale was a huge success. We sold over 1100 cupcakes and we were able to give $187.00 to the Home and School Association. What a wonderful fall day to celebrate St. Francis and Rosary School.
September Soup of the Month delivery to the 2023 lucky winner, Jennifer Carsey
Mimosas and Muffins August, 2023
On August 26th the Altar Society held its annual Mimosas and Muffins event. The ladies had the special treat this year of having their new priest, Father John Paul, join the event. The ladies were spoiled with a unique boutique where they could shop for wonderful gifts and take something home to enjoy. It was a lovely morning of fellowship and fun. The ladies also learned about upcoming events and places where they could volunteer to help the Altar Society.
Champagne Brunch and Memorial Mass
May, 2023
On May 6, the Altar Society held its annual Memorial Mass and Champagne Brunch with the St. Jude Guild hosting this special event. Michelle McGannon gave a lovely talk on “Sacred Friendship.”
Soup-erb Soup Sale January, 2023
The Soup Sale was a huge success bringing in $3293 to go towards the purchase of altar linens.
Thank you to all of the wonderful soup and cornbread makers.
18th Street Sweet Shoppe Bake Sale
Fall, 2022
Thank you to all the ladies who helped to make this event a success. We had many wonderful baked goods and workers to help sell the treats. It was a wonderful fundraiser for the Altar Society. Proceeds are used to purchase altar linens needed for Mass throughout the year.
Fall Fellowship
November, 2022
Thank you to all of the Altar Society ladies for donating so many wonderful baby items to Willow Pregnancy Center. What a great way to help our community!
Father Novak gave a wonderful talk on the Blessed Stanley Rother Shrine.